Your help is requested to help us to obtain an American Express grant. This year American Express is going to fund the winning projects with $2.5 million:
* $1,500,000 for the winning project
* $500,000 for the 2nd place project
* $300,000 for the 3rd place project
* $100,000 each for the two remaining finalist projects
The funding will be provided to the organizations that have been matched with the final five projects.
Please take a few minutes of your time to register and vote for our organization. There is no cost to you other than taking a few minutes out to help a good cause.
AE nominating instructions:
1. Go to
2. Click on "Nominate This Project" under picture.
3. A window will drop down under where you clicked the Nominate button.
4. Click on "Sign up as a Guest Member" link.
5. On the page that comes up, enter the requested information.
6. Click "sign up" button
7. You will return to the original page where you started.
8. Click again on "Nominate This Project" under picture. This will enter your vote.
Thank you for your efforts and your help!