Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tea Party Angels

Christie Brinkley with her daughter Sailor at the Tea Party Angels' Event. Christie is holding a Guatemalan bag from Miracles in Action.

Hello Supporters of "Miracles",

People often tell me that they want their children or grandchildren to learn about how children live in other countries, so that they will see how fortunate they are in their own lives. Additionally, parents want their children to learn to be giving and share with those less fortunate. I'd like to introduce you to an organization that addresses both of these desires... Tea Party Angels.

The Founder, Cheryl Beck, read Greg Mortenson's book "Three Cups of Tea" and was inspired to provide girls an opportunity to help other girls - Imagine mothers and daughters hosting tea parties across the country to raise money for girls' education. Cool idea! You can even select Miracles in Action as the recipient to receive your tea party donations designated for girl's education. Visit to learn more, and to order a tea party kit (available soon - a great holiday gift). Kits include teacups, t-shirt making, an educational DVD, and flowered bracelets made in Guatemala - from Miracles in Action's cottage industry handicrafts, of course!. Tea Party Angel's new DVD includes video segments from our work in Guatemala, building schools and also interviews with me, Room to Read, "Three Cup's of Tea" charity CAI. I hope you will take a look at their Home Page and watch the video "The Girl Effect". It is only 2.23 minutes and very "effective" in explaining why we need to educate girls.

Tea Party Angel's launch party is Nov. 7th in NYC. You can support this wonderful new charity teaching girls to help girls one tea party at a time. Christie Brinkley and her daughter will host the first party in NYC and Miracles in Action board member, Diana Csutak Braun, will participate by selling our lovely Guatemalan handicrafts.

Please share the word about this fun, worthwhile activity for mothers/grandmothers and daughters to enjoy, learn and make a difference in the lives of other girls.

All the best,

Penny Rambacher, R.D.

Miracles In Action, a 501(c)(3) non-profit

Helping poor families to help themselves… Building our 27th school in rural Guatemala. Established 19 vocational workshops and libraries. Installed 19 water systems for remote villages. Join us, and support a sustainable development project, where 100% of donation dollars go directly to the project.